How to Strengthen Your Company Culture with Your Leadership Brand
Our Socially Distanced Brand Development Workshop
For so many of us, 2020 was the year of the pivot. COVID disrupted the status quo in every way, from how teams collaborate to the very things a company offers. We may have turned the calendar page, but 2021 will still bring challenges of its own. How will you rise to meet it?
Internal confusion happens in even the best of times, and remote work only makes the issues worse. But if one thing has become increasingly clear to us, it’s that so much chaos stems from a misalignment between the leader’s mission and the team culture. If you’re looking for clarity that will excite your team and help you thrive against any challenge, dedicate some time in the new year to developing your leadership brand.
Establishing a Strong Leadership Brand Within Your Organization
Simply put, Leadership Brand is your vision, mission, and values operationalized – so that you can imprint them into your team and culture. We believe that words have power. When you begin to write them down and communicate them with your team, it transfers that power to them. Therefore, empowering them to make on-brand decisions autonomously.
Every leader needs to do this, because by taking the time to write things down and codify who you are, allows you to lead from your strengths, casting a vision so compelling your team can’t help but follow. And once you’re clear on that blueprint, you can start putting it to work to build something great. Here are a few good habits you can start cultivating in the new year...
Our Socially Distanced Brand Development Workshop
Three Good Habits to Leverage Your Leadership Brand for a Stronger Company Culture
1. Get your team involved in building the brand. Cultivating a solid brand should be a top priority, because when everything you do is filtered through a defined vision, you can lead your team with confidence. Still, you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, you shouldn’t! Get started by seeking a “buy-in” from every level of your business. Rally your team around your vision by inviting them into co-creating solutions. Create intentional space to learn, brainstorm, and find consensus, because who knows? The next great idea might be where you least expect it.
2. Develop systems that align with your brand. It may seem counterintuitive, but creativity thrives within limits. Successful systems tend to be designed around people, not just outcomes. A tool we use to develop effective people-centered system is Journey Mapping, it helps us get clear on the relationship and experience we want to build with our customers or employees. Once you know where you want people to go with you, you can develop solid strategies and clarify your priorities.
3. Repeat, repeat, and repeat your vision some more. If you want your vision to stick, borrow a best practice of marketing and advertising campaigns – clarify your message and embed it in everything you do and say. Effective leaders know it takes time for their team and organization to internalize their message, no matter how brilliant it is. Find ways to clearly repeat your message in everything you do, from leading meetings to private conversations. Never assume that your team will absorb your vision through osmosis, but repeat your vision often and build that habit into your culture.
Learn More About Leadership Brand
We hope that these tips are helpful for you in your company and with your team. Let us support you as you leverage your leadership brand to create a powerful company culture! Our Brand Action System can help you take the next steps. Click here to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.