Why good design matters in a time like this?


Where design meets data: Understanding COVID-19

As we all try to navigate Coronavirus (COVID-19) together, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the information out there. So we wanted to pass along some articles and resources we found helpful for understanding this complex, fast-moving situation. We appreciate anything that simplifies data and cuts through the noise, and we hope this helps you too.


Bing COVID Tracker

If information about the rising numbers of COVID cases are hard to take in, this map can help. We appreciate how it turns abstract data into a regularly-updated visual, so you can get a sense of the COVID situation worldwide.


Why Fast Action Matters

Now that we know how social distancing works, here’s an interactive graph that will show you why acting fast matters. Taking action quickly can literally save lives.


How Outbreaks Spread, and How to Slow Them Down

Now that we know how social distancing works, here’s an interactive graph that will show you why acting fast matters. Taking action quickly can literally save lives.


Do Not Touch Your Face

Turn on your webcam and stop touching your face… if you can.

Tino Chow

Working with visionaries to build impactful movements through developing brands that help their teams make mission-driven decisions autonomously.


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