OUR Mission

Using the power of design to build disruptive models, differentiate purpose-driven leaders, and accelerate positive change.


We are reaching the tipping point where Purpose-Driven businesses will lead the way.

When it comes to building a good business, making a profit is no longer enough. The fallout of COVID-19, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the urgency of climate change are showing us how far we still have to go. 

Why purpose matters more than ever:


Meaningful jobs are the future of work.

Studies and polls consistently reveal that the new workforce longs for more than a paycheck. They want jobs with meaning. If you want to recruit and keep the best talent in your field, focusing on a purpose beyond the bottom line is a powerful place to start.


New industries are remaking the economy.

AI-driven innovations and rapidly evolving technology are replacing traditional jobs. But in this new world of work, there is still no substitute for strong values and mission. Purpose-driven leaders adapt and use these changes to create a better future.


Social & environmental responsibility is foundational.

From climate change to poverty to racial injustice, our world is full of challenges that demand an urgent response. Socially conscious investors will be looking for companies who share their values and tackle the big problems we face.


Imagine a future where we can all thrive as our healthiest selves.

We believe health is about more than medicine. We work with leaders who are shifting the healthcare paradigm, from investing in innovative medtech to creating welcoming exercise spaces.

Explore our Health & Wellness work →


Imagine a future where collaboration and innovation heals the planet.

We believe humanity has a collective responsibility to care for our home. We work with clients who are uniting innovators, investors, and established industries to chart new paths and create sustainable solutions.

Explore our Clean & Bluetech Work →


Imagine a future where technology ampiflies meaningful work.

We believe in equipping people to make a better future for themselves. We work alongside clients who develop cutting-edge solutions that reimagine leadership, culture, and the ways we engage with the work we do.



Imagine a future where everyone is respected, included, and empowered.

We believe in equal access to excellence. We work with clients who are building DEI-centered cultures, advocating for human rights, and seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society. 



“Giant Shoulders helped us get clarity during a time of rapid growth, working alongside us as we listened to our school community, staff, and board. They helped us understand our story and put words to our spirit and our culture.”

Jane Lindenfelser, Executive Director at Patterson Park Public Charter School